Wood-burning stove ceramics

Design-ceramics: Stoves as individual as your clients

Clients these days expect more from their wood-burning stoves than their just providing heat.
Design is often in the foreground when they are purchased. Offer your clients exactly what they are looking for with ceramic finishes in various designs.

We supply wood-burning stove manufactures with classic ceramic types as well as decorated trend collections. Get in contact with us!


Stove tile of cast ceramic

These clever stove tiles were designed by the Austrian architect Peter Linser and manufactured by us. The advantage: They do not only look nice, they have a warming effect as well. As a backrest for this sitting environment it gives its owners pleasant warmth in cold hours.

© by www.contesto.at und Foto Köll

Wood-burning stove parts and coating of cast ceramics

Here you can see various wood-burning stove coverings, for example of our client Danskan. All parts such as top places and wall coverings are individually adapted to the according model line and can thereafter be enhanced with our ceramic decor or material optics.


  • Resistant to scratches and abrasion
  • Light resistant
  • Resistant to corrosion
  • Luminescent colours – for years
  • Consistent quality
  • Classy, to-quality optics
  • Individual decorations
  • Large areas possible


How you can convince potential buyers about your wood-burning stoves

You can convince any of your clients! How? In that you offer them a wood-burning stove that corresponds exactly with their visions.


We are revolutionising the wood-burning stove market and enhance ceramic and concrete with ceramic colour. You are also one of the trailblazers and would like to develop your own collection for your wood-burning stove line?


That’s quite easy to do: Select the pattern you like best from our available collection of patterns or just be advised individually by us.

What possibilities does the ceramic colour offer me?


All the same if it is side parts of top-plates – with our globally unique decorating technique we can print high quality wood-burning stove ceramics with ceramic pigments, and that not only in one colour, the possibilities are endless:


  • Sampler
  • Material-reproduction
  • Colour patches
  • Effects from precious metals, gold, silver, platinum

You want to find out more?

And you want to be informed on shapes, colours or both?

Just phone us and be personally advised.